
4.5 stars

Jeg har fått veldig god hjelp av…

Jeg har fått veldig god hjelp av Cecilia. Hun har hjulpet meg med å få jobb i Barcelona. Setter veldig stor pris på den gode hjelpen og støtten hun har gitt meg.

5 stars

Meget tilfreds

Tusind tak til perfectpeoplejobs for at gøre det muligt for mig at komme til Spanien at arbejde, og specielt stort tak til Alex som hjalp mig hele vejen igennem! Kun ros her fra!

5 stars

Mega tilfreds<333

Jeg ledte efter arbejde i Spanien, hvilket Alex hurtigt hjalp mig med!!!

5 stars

Very satisfied with the service.

5 stars

Cecilia r

Cecilia riktigt grym problemlösare, snabb och väldigt bra på det hon gör och enkel att justera med, samt att hon lägger alltid fram det bästa. Guld värd! Tusen tack⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

5 stars

Cecilia is very professional

Cecilia helped med to get a job in Barcelona where I will work with Google Ads. She was really helpful with all my questions and prepared me well before the interview. You can tell that she cares about her job and want to help you the best way possible. I told her what I wanted to work with, and she managed to find the perfect job for me. I can highly recommend Cecilia, and she have been helpful the whole way and is still helping me out with questions. I am excited for my new opportunity. Can not recommend her enough!

5 stars

It was very well setup which made it…

It was very well setup which made it easy and clear through the interview process. Alexander my recruiting support also informed me on all the relevant things to know

5 stars

Nice beutyfull people who wants us all…

Nice beutyfull people who wants us all the best

5 stars

Alexander couldn’t have been more…

Alexander couldn’t have been more helpful in assisting me with getting an interview. I would highly recommend this company.

5 stars

Alex from perfect people has been of…

Alex from perfect people has been of great help both before and after the hiring process. I would not hesitate to recommend him to others and I'm confident that if you have him in your back you will find your dream job as well. 10/10

5 stars

Heel behulpzaam en vriendelijk!

Het bedrijf heeft me heel goed geholpen! Ik kon altijd mijn vragen stellen en kreeg er heel snel antwoord op. Karoline is heel vriendelijk en behulpzaam geweest. En ik ben haar heel dankbaar voor de tijd waarin ze me hielp.

5 stars

En helt fantastisk hjælp!

En helt fantastisk hjælp! Karoline hjalp os virkelig hele vejen, og det gik virkelig hurtigt fra vi skrev vi ville finde job, til vi have fået arrangeret jobsamtale og havde fået jobbet både mig og min kæreste. Fantastisk hjælp, og hun svarer så snart man skriver, lige meget hvornår det er!

5 stars

Buena experiencia con Lisa

Buena experiencia con Lisa, siempre disponible y lista para ayudarme. Comunicar con ella es fácil porque escucha bien y te encuentra algo compatible para tus necesidades.

5 stars

Proffesjonelt opplegg

Alt skjedde med engang, fikk svar med engang og hjelp til alt eg lurte på. Konkrete og profesjonelle folk, vil absolutt anbefalt.

5 stars

Muy buena experiencia con Karoline

Muy buena experiencia con Karoline ! Super atenta , responde de inmediato, resuelve cualquier problema aparte de muy amable y profesional! Impresionante su trabajo , tan dedicada , pocas veces se recibe tan buen trato y con tanta empatía!

5 stars

Best company ever

I can't emphasize enough how exceptional this company is. They consistently prove themselves to be the epitome of reliability and trustworthiness. The way their dream team collaborates is awe-inspiring, ensuring that every operation runs smoothly. Whether you're a job seeker or employer, they act as a safety net, providing opportunities and solutions across the globe. I have full confidence in their services and highly recommend them. This is the gold standard of excellence

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